sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2007


Teph Monet

Nina Klimt.

Nina com medo do Lautrec.

Stephanie and the love.

Nina and the love.

Nina y el cielo.

Gustav Kimt. =)


The gift for Clodis.

Stephanie and the books.

"Mas como esse peso todo em cima dessa partinha?" - conversa da argentina do meu lado.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2007

Hungry in NYC

Andar da fome, muita fome.

Eu tava com muuuuuuuuuuuuuuita fome e o Nico tava dando sopa. Literalmente esse menininho seria uma canja deliciosa, olha essas coxinhas gordas. Mas sua mae nao me deixou come-lo, eu tentei suborna-la com meu passaporte brasileiro, porque ela e russa e esta ilegal aqui, mas a desnaturada nao aceitou.

A Vani tambem daria uma bela sopa mexicana, com bastante tempeiro, jalapenos, pimenta do reino, uma carninha seca... seria outro pratao.

Mas ai me ocorreu que a Vani so come frango, e frango e nojento.

O que seria comida tipica americana? Hamburguer.

Sabado tem feijoada no Brazilian Buzz !!!

terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2007

You know how I feel...

Nininha Simone, lovely lady who I truly love. This woman knows exactly how to express MY feelings.

Union Square

Somente na Union Square, o Homem Salsichaaa

Segunda, Quarta e Sexta feira de alimentos organicos. Todos os dias pessoas dancando breik, malabaris com fogo, coreanos tocando guitarra, punks fumando, business man comendo cachorro-quente na escada e peruanos com suas flautas.

Union Square esta com certeza no Top Ten de NYC. E nao me canso, todos os dias uma dose de 3 horas de Union Square - NYFA esta la.

terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2007

Trouble with thinking

I can’t think of anything to write.
Somehow most of the things I think of are related to a girl who is bored and is willing to make something big in her life, but doesn’t know how to start, I wonder why… or something related to sex isseus, aids, catholic, priest, pretty much Almodovar like… wonder why also.
Most of the pieces I think of are related to something I read, a book or a short story, or either about some story that I know, a friend’s life, or something related to my own life, which I wasn’t necessarily the protagonist.
What I want now is to be next to the person I love and tell the most unique love story one could ever know.
That can clearly lead to a plot, I mean its someone, me, wanting something, to be with the person I love and tell the most unique story one could know, but clearly has difficulties to achieve that goal, such as, I`m miles away from the person I love, I don’t know if he loves me back, will it work out, us two together? I don’t know. And how, Oh how, will I tell the most unique love story one could ever know if I haven’t love anyone and, nevertheless, haven’t felt love back?
This could be the best screenplay ever written, if I could just find out how. Better yet if this desire become true in my life from tonight till tomorrow morning.
I could turn off the computer and go day dream about how marvelous would I feel if he was here, than all of the sudden my phone would ring, and it was him, downstairs, asking the number of my apartment. First I would feel very insecure since I’m wearing my running out fit, and my hair is kinda messy, but then, who cares, he had seen me waking up in the morning, that I worse, also its my love. He would come up, I will open the door, he won’t say a word, just drop his bags on the floor and kiss me, the best passionate kiss ever known, then we would hug forever, no words are needed at this moment. Only then, after I took his things to my room we would talk, and he would tell me how much he loves me, how was an absurd idea to come to NYC just to be with me, but he couldn’t handle being alone, and I have to admit, I feel miserable here alone too, then we would promise never to be apart from each other, never. We would spend the night together, talking and drinking, he would buy cigarettes for me, since here is very expensive, as a treat, then only late at night we would fall asleep together in each others arms. Wake up the next day not believing this as happening, that he came, that we are together, here in NYC. I would not go to class tomorrow and we would get married, here in NY. Then I would think about the past and how complicated things were, than the present, how good I feel this exact moment next to him, and the future ahead of us, how we would maintain this pleasant feeling.
Too dreamy? Well It is what happens to every movie, they live happily ever after, don’t they?
Back to reality, there is no way he would come. I’m not being pessimist, but as I said I haven’t loved yet, as far as I know, and haven’t felt love back either. Someone would only do that if they really love someone else, and not just love, the word l-o-v-e, but the whole package that comes along with it.

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2007

New York, New York

Starbucks – New York, September the 6.

Experimento Nova York com uma visao bem analitica, quando sinto que ta muito doce salpico umas pitadas de sal ate voltar ao equilibrio que considero sao.

Usando os 7 pecados capitais, comeco com o meu favorito:

Inveja – As americanas tem quadril estreito, TODAS.

Gula – As porcoes sao enormes, nao existe pequeno, somente regular ou big, ou seja, ENORME e MONSTRUOSAMENTE IMENSO. Estava indo tudo bem ate chegar a Times Square, tem uma hiper mega super world magic store da Hersheys e MM’s uma na frente da outra, entrei no da Hersheys buscando reeses, delicioso mm de peanut butter, encontro o bendito mas o size e unico de 500gms, nao resisti a tentacao e compre. Gracas a deus mais tarde encontrei uma negra disdentada no subway do Lincoln Center e dei o resto, que era mais da metade. Saudades do Brasil, onde podemos cometer esse pecado sem sair no prejuizo.

Ira – Em sair da TPM no meu segundo dia de grande maca.

Preguica – De andar, todo canto se anda. Pela noite quero ser carregada pelo Daniel, um tipo que divide o ape comigo, ate o banheiro, mandar ele encher a banheira de agua quente e massagear meu dedos gordinhos.

Vaidade – Como as porcoes exageradas, as negras americanas sao assim, unhas de 10 centimetros extramamente coloridos, brincos enormes, colar enorme, seios enormes, bunda enorme e cabelos voluptuoso formando distintas esculturas. Outro dia vi a cara do Abraham Lincoln, mas ai ela cocou a cabeca e o Abraham morreu. Da minha parte, vaidade nenhuma, ta quente demais para vaidade.

Avareza – Cobicar o cafe alheio.

Luxuria – Hmmm, eu amo comer carne, mas ate agora so comi frango.

Obs: O teclado ta em ingles.

quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2007


Living the dream babe, living the dream!